PRP Facial in Kenya

Our PRP Facial in Nairobi is your personalised Cell Therapy – the latest skin rejuvenation treatment. PRP Facial has become increasingly popular in Kenya over time.

PRP refers to autologous plasma (blood from your own body) with a concentrated number of platelets and in which erythrocytes and leukocytes (red and white blood cells) have been separated out to get the purest form of platelets. These platelets play a central role in wound healing and tissue regeneration – they contain a vast number of growth factors, which are important to improve the skin, thicken the dermis thus reducing wrinkles or dark circles under the eye, or help restore hair growth on your scalp.

Typical applications for PRP facial in Kenya

Many clinical trials have shown and validated the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) for the treatment of a wide variety of medical indications:

Our method of skin rejuvenation with PRP to treat wrinkles, lines, pigmentation, large pores and loose skin naturally:

We take 5 – 10ml of your blood, which is then centrifuged and the plasma separated from the other blood cells. The yellow-clear plasma is then taken into small syringes and injected intradermally into your skin with very fine, tiny needles.

The regeneration process is initiated by the release of growth factors within the plasma platelets into the surrounding skin. PRP stimulates the breakdown of sun-damaged structures in your skin, and increases collagen production to make the skin thicker and healthier. The elasticity improves, and you will notice better hydration and reduction of wrinkles. The skin texture is improved, you get an increase glow as well as some volume improvement (when combined with hyaluronic acid fillers).

Improvement of the skin can be found in the face, under and around eyes, neck, décolleté, stretch marks, hand skin and other places.

The great news is that PRP therapy is virtually without downtime: Your face will be a bit red for only 24-48 hours, so after a day or so you will look completely fine again to meet friends and colleagues.

The results can be seen after about one month and will continue to improve your face for the coming weeks. We recommend a total of 3 treatments spaced out in 6 week intervals for best results. After this, a 3 monht break is recommended, after which another cycle of therapy can begin for maintenance of your results.

Example of before and after PRP therapy under eye wrinkles:

PRP facials in Kenya

PRP in combination with microneedling is called Vampire Facial or Vampire Facelift.

PRP is ideal for combination with medical needling – numerous studies have shown that the PRP and needling leads to better results for skin rejuvenation and higher patient satisfaction compared to micro needling alone.

KIM KARDASHIAN is famous for doing this therapy regularly to improve her skin glow (in the US they call it the VAMPIRE FACE LIFT).

PRP with laser to improve the skin in Nairobi, Kenya:

PRP supports a better outcome and quicker healing not only with micro needling, but also with ablative or fractionated laser rejuvenation of your face: the topical application of PRP following micro needling or laser therapy speeds up the recovery and improves the healing of the skin.

PRP for hair loss and alopecia in Nairobi, Kenya:

PRP Platelet therapy can also help to combat hair loss and make the existing hair thicker and healthier. More info on Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair here.

COSTS of PRP facials in KENYA

Cost of PRP therapy at Vitality Fountain Clinic in Nairobi depends on the exact areas treated and the amount of PRP used. You will need several sessions 6 weeks apart to get optimal results.
PRP rejuvenation injection from 40,000 – 80,000 KES
Package deals are available.

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Dr. Tilman Stasch

For further information about what is involved in this type of procedure, please contact us.

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