Skin cancer examination
and mole mapping in Nairobi

Looking at the skin which is our largest organ, a high incidence of morbidity and mortality causes huge burdens on patient`s health and also cost for the medical insurance industry.

Where prevention of skin damage is lead by education, use of protective clothing and sunscreens, prevention of progression of skin lesions to skin cancers is of paramount importance. The only way to do this is through professional, expert screening of the skin and close follow up of those patients who are at highest risk, as well as educated self-examination.

Vitality Fountain Clinic addresses skin issues which includes skin cancer screening, prevention, and treatment. Our Specialists have extensive experience in the medical and surgical treatment of skin cancers.

What we offer in Nairobi
at our Skin Clinic in 14 Riverside Drive:

General Mole Checkup

Do you have an abnormal mole or skin lesion that you are concerned about? Has it changed shape, colour or symmetry, or is it starting to bleed or become itchy?

Book your appointment with the doctor for an examination and digital dermatoscopy of that lesion.

Charges are KES 8,000.

Full body Skin Check and Mole Mapping with Mole report

It is advisable for all adults to have their skin checked every 1-2 years:
This “head to toe” examination and digital dermatoscopy will aim to identify even hidden moles and lesions to make sure you don’t miss any potential skin cancers.

Charges are KES 16,000 for the initial consultation, KES 14,000 for follow-up visits within 2 years.

What is a Full body check and Mole Mapping?

Mole mapping at Vitality Fountain Clinic uses full-body digital imaging to find new lesions on your skin and monitor changes in existing moles that could develop into skin cancers or melanoma. Using eDermoscopy (using the German Fotofinder technology, this state-of-the-art method allows sooner intervention should any changes be observed.

We ALWAYS recommend a FULL skin check especially if you have never been to our clinic – because in our experience, the mole you are concerned about might be harmless, but the really dangerous one will be at the back of your ankle, your lower back, or between your toes!

Mole mapping always includes a thorough clinical skin examination and digital dermoscopy to identify and evaluate lesions of concern for those at high risk of malignant melanoma, as well as other skin cancers.

With mole mapping, we aim to diagnose melanoma at the earliest possible stage, since new moles or changes in preexisting moles can be identified by regular examinations. Changing moles have features that may be suspicious of melanoma if the lesion has a disordered structure clinically or on dermoscopy.

It is important to note that while some lesions are obvious potential cancer growths, others may not be apparent despite the close-up dermatoscopy images. These moles may be excised (biopsied) and examined further using histological techniques. Should this be the case, we will discuss in detail the need to biopsy the lesion. 

What are Vitality Fountain Clinic Mole Mapping Reports?

We make sure that you get to know your moles very well – because if you identify new moles or changes in existing moles, you can immediately get in touch and we can check them. After your exam, we always compile a detailed mole map and report – this is sent to you via email 1-2 weeks after the appointment. With these reports you will be able to monitor all mapped moles for changes in size, shape and colour. Self-examination has been shown in numerous studies to increase the chance of detecting malignant melanoma at an earlier stage.

What are the Advantages of Mole Mapping?

  • The previous record can be used to determine whether a lesion of concern is new or has changed.


  • If our specialist determines that a lesion has the criteria for removal, this can be done at the earliest possible stage, reducing the risk of melanoma and minimizing surgery as well as expensive treatment of disseminated malignant melanoma or other skin cancers.


  • If a lesion is new or has changed, but does not reach the threshold for removal, it can be reimaged and watched carefully.


  • Lesions that do not have dermatoscopic structural disorder and have not changed are less likely to be atypical or melanoma and may not need to be removed.


  • Other lesions like actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas can be identified and treated.
Mole Mapping Report 03

Changing mole, (right before, left 1year later):

Histology after excisional biopsy at our Clinic showed severe dysplasia of the cells. The excision prevented potential progression to melanoma.

What Mole Mapping means for the patient:

When you book for a mole mapping session with us, you are likely to undergo the following steps:

  1. Assessment and Risk evaluation (ie, medical and family history, skin typing, sun exposure history).


  2. You will be asked to remove the outer clothing. Lesions of concern hidden by the underwear should be pointed out to the practitioner.


  3. Makeup, nail polish, and jewelry should be completely removed prior to the procedure. Long hair tied up.


  4. Patient education regarding sun protection, what moles to look out for, and melanoma


  5. Skin examination by our health professional. This may involve:
    • Skin check from head-to-toe
    • Digital recording of moles of concern using the most modern dermatoscopy units and software available to keep images in a standardized form and format (Fotofinder Handyscope).
    • Evaluation of the images by an expert in skin cancer.
    • Compilation of a report / copies of the images


  6. Follow-up mole mapping sessions:
    • 3 – 6 months for lesions of concern that are not removed
    • 1 – 3 years or as recommended by the doctor for all routine follow-up, depending on skin type and examination findings
Dr Stasch is examining skin for moles and cancers

Suitability for Mole Mapping

Mole mapping is particularly useful for individuals who:
  • live at the Equator and high altitude (like Kenya)
  • have many moles (more than 20 to 100)
  • have atypical or funny looking naevi/moles – moles that are large or of unusual color(s) or shapes
  • have moles on the back, which may be difficult to keep an eye on
  • have a previous history of melanoma or atypical moles
  • strong family history of melanoma
  • have moles and fair skin that has been sunburned in the past
  • concerns about individual moles or freckles, eg, because of their appearance or recent change

Mole mapping for children:

mapping children

We often get asked what the best age would be to have children checked for moles or even do a full mole mapping. We recommend mole mapping for children in these cases:

  • Your child has had sun burns in the past
  • Your child has many freckles
  • You have identified moles in your child (even very young), that has progressively grown
  • Your child has 1 or more large moles (>2mm)
  • Your child has a pigmented birthmark in an exposed area
  • A mole that is raised, has asymmetrical borders, or different colours should always be examined
  • Any mole that causes symptoms of itch, pain, or crusting
  • You have a strong family history of melanomas or skin cancers

Does my insurance cover mole mapping?

In Kenya, most insurances cover the visit to a specialist skin doctor if you have a skin lesion you are concerned about. Routine screening is usually excluded in most covers. So yes, when you come to see us at Vitality Fountain Clinic, it would usually be for something suspicious that you want to have checked. We will fill in your insurance forms for you to be able to claim your consultation and exam fees back. If you need to have a skin biopsy, we would usually write a medical report and include – if  requested – the dermatoscopic pictures of the moles and lesions in question. That way your insurance can give a pre-treatment approval for the procedure to go ahead.

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Dr. Tilman Stasch

For further information about what is involved in this type of procedure, please contact us.

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